River Engineering, BEU Question Paper Solution

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River Engineering, BEU Question Paper Solution

In this blog i am going to provide you the solution of  River Engineering, I have covered Each and every question that's whwre asked in BEU(Bihar Engineering University) Examination. I have tryed to explaine each and every question in my own language and tried to keep as simple as i can. I have combined the all solution in one PDF so that student can easy access to each and every solution without having any trouble. Students can able to Download the River Engineering Question Paper Solution at Bottom of this page by clicking Download River Engineering, BEU Question Paper Solution

River Engineering, BEU Question Paper Solution

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BEU PYQ (Previous Years Question) Papers

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1. Choose the correct answer (any seven) : 2 * 7 = 14

(a) Which category of river training work deals with flood control?

(i) Training for sediment

(ii) Low-water training

(iii) Training for depth

(iv) Training for discharge

(b) An attracting groyne is the one which is

(i) inclined upstream

(ii) inclined downstream

(iii) normal to the bank

(iv) same as a repelling groyne

(c) The meander ratio is the ratio of

(i) the length of the river channel to the axial length of the river

(ii) the main curved channel length to the width of the meander belt

(iii) the width of the meander belt to the meander length

(iv) the length of the meandering river to the number of loops in a stretch

(d) A launching apron has a horizontal apron length of 1.5 m, times the depth of possible scour. If the apron is expected to he launched ultimately to a slope of 2 horizontal : 1 vertical with a thickness of 0.75 m, the average thickness of stone to be provided in the launching apron is

(i) 075 m

(ii) 100 m

(iii) 1-12 m

(iv) 125m

(e) The meander belt for an alluvial stream la estimated to be 3 kun. The peak discharge in this river will roughly be of the order of

(i) 4000 cumecs

(ii) 700 cumecs

(iii) 1200 cumecs

(iv) 1600 cumecs

(f) Aggrading rivers are

(i)  silting rivers

(ii) river in regime

(iii) scouring rivers

(iv) meandering rivers

(g) Permeable spurs are best suitable for rivers which

(i) Carry heavy suspended load

(ii) carry large bed lood, but light suspended load

(iii) need permanent protection to dikes

(iv) need attracting the river current, for providing deeper channel

(h) Tortuosity in a meandering river in

(i) 1

(ii) < 1

(iii) > 1

(iv) None of the above

(i) Denechey's spur is a

(i) hockey-shaped earthen spur

(ii) T-shaped stone spur, as used in Australia

(iii) T-shaped earthen spur, as used in India

(iv) type of a balli spur, especially developed for Indian rivers

(j) Which one of the following effects produced by a cut off in an alluvial river, is not an advantage to navigation?

(i) Shortened route and elimination of sharp bends

(ii) Shortened travel time, particularly at low and moderate river stages

(iii) increased water depth at low river stages

(iv) Lowering of the food stages and flood periods


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All Solution is Provided in PDF at Bottom of this Page  

Q. 2 Describe on the causes of meandering and explain the factors controlling the meandering process.

Q. 3 What do you understand by river morphology? How are rivers classified? Discuss and explain Thalweg and Braiding with neat sketches.

Q.4 An irrigation channel is to be constructed in coarse alluvium gravel with D-75 size of 5 cm. The channel has to carry 3 cumecs of discharge and the longitudinal slope is 0-01. The banks of the channel will be protected by grass against scouring. Find the minimum width of the channel.

River Engineering, BEU Question Paper Solution

 Q. 5. What are dunes and antidunes? Explain with sketches and discuss their significances with respect to bed formations.

All Solution is Provided in PDF at Bottom of this Page  

Q. 6 What is meant, by river models? Discuss different classes of physical and mathematical river models.

 Q. 7 What do you mean by local scour around bridge piers? Discuss the shapes of local scour with possible reasons.

Q. 8. Measurements on gravel bed stream were taken. The median particle size (d50) of the bed is 6 mm. The coefficient of gradation is 3. The water temperature was measured to be 15°C. The channel characteristics are as follows:

          Width 100 metres, h=2 metres and S=0.003
(a) Using the Strickler equation, determine Manning n.

(b) Calculate the dimensionless grain diameter.

(c) Calculate the shear velocity.

Q. 9. Define bed load and discuss Meyer-Peter formulae for determining bed load. Discuss the possible applications of Meyer-Peter formulae.

Solid and Hazardous Waste Management: BEU PYQ Solution

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