Prestressed Concrete : BEU Question Paper solution

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Prestressed Concrete : BEU Question Paper solution

In this Blog, I am going to providing the previous years solution of BEU (Bihar Engineering University) papers. Students are waiting for a long time for the Prestressed Concrete: BEU PYQ Solution. Finally it get updated to this blog here you will also get to Download Question paper of  Prestressed Concrete. Solution of PYQ is provided in PDF format at the bottom of this page students click on download button to download it.

This Blog is to provide BEU Solutions to past years question papers in Prestressed Concrete assisting Students in their exam preparation.

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BEU PYQ (Previous Years Question) Papers

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1. Choose the correct answer (any seven):

(a) Which one of the following is categorized as a long-term loss of prestress in a prestressed concrete member?

(i) Loss due to elastic shortening

(ii) Loss due to friction

(iii) Loss due to relaxation of strands ✓

(iv) Loss due to anchorage slip

(b) Most common method of prestressing used for factory production is

(i)  long live method ✓

(ii) Freyssinet system

(iii) Magnel-Blaton system

(iv) Lee-McCall system

(c) In axially prestressed members, the concrete is under

(i) tension ✓

(ii) compression

(iii) torsion

(iv) bending

(d) Prestressing losses in post-tensioned and pre-tensioned beams are respectively

(i) 15% and 20% ✓

(ii) 20% and 15%

(iii) 20% and 20%

(iv) 15% and 15%

(e) Freyssinet system is based on the principle of

(i) direct bearing on concrete from bolt heads at the end of wires

(ii) looping of the wires around concrete

(iii) wedge action producing frictional grip between steel and concrete ✓

(iv) None of the above

(f) In Magnel's graphical method of solving eccentricity (e) and prestressing force (P), the value of P is determined corresponding to

(i)  maximum e

(ii) minimum e

(iii) both maximum e and minimum e

(iv) average e

(g) A parabolic cable profile with maximum eccentricity at midspan and concentric at supports when stressed results in

(i) zero deflection

(ii) downward deflection

(iii) upward deflection

(i) minimum deflection

(h) The deflection of a cracked prestressed concrete beam can be computed by

(i) stress-strain diagram

(ii) bending moment diagram

(iii) bilinear moment-curvature relationships

(iv) shear force diagram

(i) Prestressed concrete beam fails suddenly without warning due to

(i) failure of concrete in compression zone

(ii) failure of concrete in tension zone

(iii) failure of steel in tension ✓

(iv) failure of steel in compression

(j) Prestressed concrete sleepers should be designed to resist

(i) static loads

(ii) static and dynamic loads

(iii) dynamic loads

(iv) None of the above

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Prestressed Concrete : BEU Question Paper solution

Transcribed image text:

Q. 2 A post-tensioned prestressed beam of rectangular section 250 mm wide is to be designed for an imposed load of 12 kN/m, uniformly distributed on a span of 12 m. The stress in the concrete must not exceed 17 N/mm2 in compression or 1.4 N/mm2 in tension at any time and the loss of prestress may be assumed to be 15 per cent.


(a) The minimum possible depth of the beam

(b) For the section provided, the minimum prestressing force and the corresponding eccentricity


Prestressed Concrete : BEU Question Paper solution

Transcribed image text:

Q. 3 (a) A pretensioned beam 250 mm wide and 360 mm deep is prestressed by 10 wires of 8 mm diameter initially stressed to 1000 N/mma. The centroid of the steel wires is located at 105 mm from the soffit. Determine the maximum stress in concrete immediately after transfer allowing elastic shortening of concrete only at th level of the centroid of steel. if however, the concrete is subjected to additional shortening due to creep and shrinkage and the stat is subjected to a relaxation of stress of 5 percent find the final percentage loss of stress in the steel wire Take Ex = 210 kN/mm², E. = 36.85 kN/mmº, creep coefficient $ = 1.60. Total residual shrinkage strain = 3 x 10-4.

Q. 3 (b) Derive the loss due to elastic shortening of concrete.

Q. 4. (a) Explain the stresses developed in the anchorage zone with sketch. Also explain bursting tension and splitting crack.

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Q. 4 (b) What is partial prestressing? What are the advantages of partial prestressing? What is the use of non-prestress reinforcement in partial prestressing?

Prestressed Concrete : BEU Question Paper solution

 Transcribed image text:

Q. 5 (a) A prestressed concrete beam of section 120 mm wide by 300 mm deep is used over an effective span of 6 m to support a uniformly distributed load of 4 kN/m, which includes the self-weight of the beam. The beam is prestressed by a straight cable carrying a force of 180 kN and located at an eccentricity of 50 mm. Determine the location of the thrust-line in the beam and plot its position at quarter and central span sections.

Q. 5 (b) What are the advantages of prestressed concrete poles?

Q. 6. (a) A concrete beam having a rectangular section 100 mm x 300 mm is prestressed by a parabolic cable with an initial prestressing force of 240 kN. The cable has an eccentricity of 50 mm at the centre and concentric at the supports. If the span of the beam is 10 m and subjected to a live load of 2 kN/m, calculate the short-term deflection at midspan. Assume E=38 kN/mm², creep coefficient 2.0, loss of pre- stress =  20%. Estimate the long-term deflection.

Q. 6 (b) Explain the procedure for computing short-term and long-term deflection of PSC beams.

Q. 7. (a) What are the different types of flexural modes observed in prestressed concrete beams?

Q. 7. (b) A pre-tensioned prestressed concrete beam having a rectangular section 300 mm wide and 500 mm deep has an effective cover of 40 mm. If fck =40 N/mm², fp = 1600 N/mm² and the area of prestressing steel A, 561 mm2, calculate the ultimate flexural strength of the section using IS code provisions.

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Q. 8. (a) Distinguish between standard strand and compound strand. 


Q. 8 (b) A beam is of simply supported span 8 m. The size of the beam is 350 mm x 700 mm. A prestressing force of 100 kN was applied. The cable is parabolic with an eccentricity of 100 mm at centre and zero at the supports. It is subjected to an u.d.l. of 20 kN/m. Compute the extreme stresses at the midspan. 


Q. 9. Answer any four of the following briefly :

(a) Distinguish between uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial prestressing.

(b) Explain the principle of post-tensioning.

(c) List out the various types of loss of prestress in post-tensioned members.

(d) What are the different types of flexural failure modes?

(e) List some practical examples of structures subjected to combined bending.

(f) Explain the terms end block and anchorage zone.



Solid and Hazardous Waste Management: BEU PYQ Solution

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