Contract Management BEU Question Paper Solution

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Contract Management BEU Question Paper Solution

In This article, I have provided the solution of Contract Management based on BEU Questions paper. I tried to make the solutios very simple so that each and every student can understand it. 

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Contract Management BEU Question Paper Solution

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1. Choose the correct answer (any seven) : 2x7=14

(a) The type of the contract, in which rate of each particular item is quoted separately, is

(i) lump sum contract

(ii) item rate contract ✓

(iii) cost plus percentage contract

(iv) percentage rate contract

(b) Documents required for prequalification process includes

(i) concurrent commitments

(ii) certificates of completed jobs 

(iii) details of organization along with details of employees

(iv) All of the above ✓

(c) "Every contract is an agreement but every agreement may not be a contract." The statement is

(i) False

(ii) True ✓

(iii) Both (i) and (ii)

(iv) No relation between the two

(d) The contract which it adopted for delivery of items susceptible to large amount of change of rate is called

(i) piecework contract ✓

(ii) one-delivery contract

(iii) lump sum contract

(iv) labour contract

(e) Letter of intent

(i) is issued to contractor

(ii) is issued by contractor

(iii) is issued to government authority ✓

(iv) is issued by government authority

(f) Which of the following is not included in the technical bid?

(i) Copy of power of attorney

(ii) Proposed project schedule

(iii) Tax clearance certificates. 

(iv) Total price of the project ✓

(g) During the construction period, price variation clause in contracts caters to

(i) increase in rate of only important materials

(ii) variation in total cost of the project on ad hoc basis ✓ 

(iii) variation in cost in materials, labours and petrol-lubricant elements

(iv) rate of inflation

(h) Identify the incorrect pair.

(i) Piecework contract-Petty works and regular maintenance works

(ii) Lump sum contract-Adopted for buildings, bridges, electrical works, etc.

(iii) Item rate contract-Payments were done earlier to the construction  

(iv) Labour contract-Not practiced in government ✓

(i) What is the full form of PAC?

(i) Propriety article control

(ii) Propriety article certificate ✓

(iii) Proper account consideration

(iv) Procurement against cancellation

(j) If the payment is done based on the actual quantities of the item of works completed; that type of contract is referred as

(i) item rate contract ✓

(ii) lump sum contract

(iii) cost plus % contract

(iv) turnkey contract

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Q. 2. (a) What is contract management? Highlight the factors that affect contract management.

Q. 2. (b) Discuss in brief different contract documents.

Q. 3. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Breach of Contract

(b) Sales of Goods Act, 1930

(c) Arbitration

(d) Discharge of Contract

Q. 4. (a) What do you understand by lump sum contract? Highlight its advantages.

Q. 4. (b) What risk do general contractors incur by using subcontractors?

Q. 5. Differentiate between the following:

(a) Agreement and contract

(b) Contract of indemnity and contract of guarantee.

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Q. 6. (a) Write short notes on capacity of parties, free consent and lawful consent.

Q. 6. (b) What is works contract tax? How is it applicable to a construction firm?

Q. 7. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Price escalation clause

(b) Liquidated damage and penalties

Q. 8. (a) Why is it required to terminate a contract? Under what circumstances does the owner or contractor terminate contract?

Q. 8. (b) Explain conventional and alternative dispute resolution methods.

Q. 9. (a) What is NCB contract? What is the difference between ICB and NCB?

Q. 9. (b) What is post-implementation review? When should you do a post-implementation review?

Solid and Hazardous Waste Management: BEU PYQ Solution

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